No Shave November
The Rye PBA members proudly participated in a “No-Shave-November” charity event this year. For every member that grew facial hair or wore a mustache pin
Welcome to the official home of the City of Rye PBA. The PBA is committed to preserving the health, safety and welfare of all of its members and to continue to encourage and strengthen relationships between its members and the residents of the City of Rye.
The PBA does this by promoting and encouraging sociability, morality and athletics; indoor and outdoor sports; amusements and entertainments and most importantly by helping those in need.
Meet our executive board members and learn about the important roles they play in the organization.
There are many ways you can help support the Rye PBA including secure online donations now through PayPal.
Find out about all the latest news and check out events sponsored or endorsed by the City of Rye PBA.
The City of Rye PBA is committed to preserving the health, safety and welfare of all of its members and to continue to encourage and strengthen relationships.
The PBA does this by promoting and encouraging sociability, morality and athletics; indoor and outdoor sports; amusements and entertainments and most importantly by helping those in need.
The RPBA is a proponent of philanthropy and donates to many charitable causes. Some of the causes we are associated and active with:
Special Olympics
M.S. Walk
Wounded Warrior
Autism speaks
American Cancer Society
Make A Wish
Toys for Tots
Walter Worthington Scholarship (12 given to Rye High School Students for the pursuit of higher learning)
Rye Recreation Camp Scholarship.
Rye Girls’ Softball
Rye Little League
Garnet Football
Rye Youth Counsel
Rye YMCA Senior Citizen Activities including their annual picnic.
The PBA board is composed of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and a Sergeant at Arms. Additionally, There are also several Committees that handle specific responsibilities and projects for the Association. The RPBA is a non-profit labor organization, and is funded by donations from residents, businesses, member’s dues and fundraising activities. The RPBA is the sole bargaining agent between the City of Rye and the sworn officers it represents, it provides legal support, and aid to members in time of need. Established in 1968, the RPBA currently comprised of full time sworn active Rye Police Officers and retired Rye Police Officers. We are affiliated with the Police Conferences of New York (PCNY), the NYS Public Employee Conference (NYSPEC) Westchester Blue Foundation and the Affiliated Police Association of Westchester County (APAWEST). The RPBA is active in community affairs.
The Rye PBA members proudly participated in a “No-Shave-November” charity event this year. For every member that grew facial hair or wore a mustache pin
The City of Rye PBA will be holding its annual Toys for Tots toy drive. A toy drop off box is located in the main
We would like to thank all the residence of Rye for their support of the Police and in particular the great support they have shown
The Rye PBA Executive Board ensures that the RPBA standards, values and mission statement are adhered too. While establishing an over sight of the bargaining commitee between the City of Rye and the sworn officers it represents. The board also approving any legal support, scholarships and charitable donations in time of need, as well as, the daily functioning and logistics of the RPBA.
Gabe Caputo
Alex Whalen
Al Hein
Vice President
Lance Hinrichs
Christine Incalcatera
Sergeant at Arms
Chairman Micheal Anfuso, Jon Klein, Alex Whalen, Mike Kenny & Julio Rossi
The City of Rye PBA counts on the support of the generous contributions from citizens like you. Your charitable donation will be used towards a number of PBA Programs and Charities. Please consider making a donation below and checkout securely with Paypal. You do not need a PayPal account if you wish to donate by credit card. If you are interested in making a donation but do not wish to donate online, a check or money order can be sent to “Rye Police Association”, PO Box 246, Rye, NY 10580.
PO Box 246
Rye, NY 10580
Phone: (914) 967-1234
Email: ryecitypba@gmail.com